How it works

Driving Test ON-ROUTS Video lessons

It is always better to see once than to hear or read many times. Video lessons on the routes of driver’s license tests in Ontario, this is exactly what you need for success.

You can drive on the Drive test route in almost all centers in Ontario and with your own eyes, you will see all the streets, all signs, all maneuvers.
You will hear a detailed explanation from a professional driving instructor about all details of each drive test routes, its hazardous areas, and important factors.

What is the purpose and goal of this online Service?

Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to pass your driving test the first time. Video Lessons along the route can be viewed many times. These ONRoute video lessons will prepare you for the exam and help you pass the road test on your first try.

You do not need to take a lot of expensive driving lessons and spend your time and money. For a small fixed fee, you can drive on a test route as many times as you need. The comments of a professional driving instructor will help you complete all tasks and pass the test on your first try.

If you have any questions regarding the driving test routes in any Ontario center,  feel free to write us a letter. We will try to answer all your questions.

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